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Accreditation of Training Course for Fire Safety Director (FSD)

Operating & Renewing

Operating Requirements

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    This accreditation of training courses must be renewed every 1 year in person or by mail. The Fire Department will send a renewal application 30 days before the end of each year in December. This application includes the updated course information, course schedule, and curriculum or personnel changes.
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      To renew, submit the renewal letter, and the required payment, in person or by mail to the address below, attention FDNY Cashier Unit. Mail-in payments can be made by check or money order. Cash and credit card payments are only accepted in person.
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        Institutions that do not renew their accreditation by the end of each year will be removed from the list of approved schools and the students from the school will not be allowed to take the test.
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          Any training course changes such as personnel, course schedule (dates, times and location), course curriculum, and teaching methods require approval from the department prior to being implemented.
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            In order to grant renewal, FDNY will evaluate the effectiveness of any training course, including consideration of the success of its students in achieving passing grades in determining whether to maintain accreditation.
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              Paper copies of application, general and specific requirements materials are also available at the address below.